After several hours of watching the baby-faced 29 year-old inde-rocking, hip-hoppin’ artist that is Kofi Stacks, strut his stuff in front of several cameras and jeering production crew members, I sat down with the north Londoner, as he took a break from filming the video to his fist single of his new EP ‘I’m Here’, called ‘Hot Chick’.
Who is Kofi Stacks?
Kofi Stacks: Me! (laughs) I’m an artist.
What does the name mean?
KS: Kofi is Ghanaian; means that I was born on a Friday. And ‘Stacks’ came from ‘Stackavich’. A nickname i picked up in my… urm… previous path, you could say. In my younger years.
So it’s safe to say you haven’t always followed the path of music.
KS: Yea, that’s one way of putting it.
What would you be doing right now if you weren’t doing music?
KS: Urm… my background is very varied. I’ve done everything (and a lot of it i’m not too proud of) but I’d probably be working in Sales and Marketing at Future Productions.
When did you first get into music?
KS: A while ago actually, but only really started to get into it in teh last four years. I’ve become more serious about it now.
How would you describe your music?
KS: I wouldn’t describe it as typically this or pradictically that. My music is more of a blend of the three types of music that I’ve grown up listening to from living in London; indy, hip-hop and rock.
That’s different.
KS: (laughs) Yea, it is. Good. That’s kind of what I wanted too. I don’t want to be type-casted into just grime, or just, hip-hop or rock, so it made sense to bring it all together since they’ve had such massive influences on my life and music. It’s just all the elements of me all together.
Who would you say you were mainly influenced by?
KS: Oh. That’s tough. I’ve been listening to indy, hip-hop and rock music for years, so it varies… like, alot. (thinks) Kanye West, Coldplay, Kings of Leon, Arctic Monkeys, the list goes on, but these are my top choices of who have inspired me.
What are you working on at the moment?
KS: I’m working on my EP which were planning on releasing in early December, which will feature my first single “Hot Chick”, which was actually produced by JR Black from 89 Arrogance.
And 89 Arrogance is the label that you’re signed with?
KS: Yea. We’re a small independent label, that seems to be doing pretty well at the moment, if i can brag (laughs). I mean it’s still relatively small and e have artists amazing artists signed, like Will Power and Kyle Harris. Look out for them.
Have you collaborated with any of these artists?
KS: Oh yea! I have a track with Kyle Harris called “Pay Attention”. That’ll be on the EP too.
Who else would you like to work with?
KS: Peter Andre
KS: Yes! I think he’s a cool guy. I think we could do a good track. Peter give me a ring. (laughs)
Anyone else?
KS: The Ting Tings, VV Brown, Alesha Dixson. I like Alesha.
I bet you do. Are there any UK artists you feel are doing really well at the moment?
KS: Tinchy [Stryder] is doing amazingly well.
Your first single is “Hot Chick”, what was going through your mind when you wrote that?
KS: The song stems from a girl i approached once. I liked her, but when I got to speak to her I got to find out she was a bit of a gold-digger. And that story ends there. (laughs) So that’s what that song means.
With so many different genres influencing your musical style, how would you describe your album to someone?
KS: The album reflects where I am with my music at the moment, so touches on life-struggles, choices, society, the future, and just my interpretation of it all.
Your music is still pretty underground at the moment, and no-one can guarantee mainstream success. What motivates you?
KS: I don’t really want to be ‘famous’ just successful. To be recognised for my talent and music I make. The thirst for success keeps me going. I want my music to move and change people; I’d like for people to hear what I’m saying about my life and experiences and use it for positivity. Music is so powerful, I’d never use it to put any kind of negativity. I think we could use it for something so much better.
Kofi Stacks new single “Hot Chick” is due for release in November until then check Kofi out on
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